Admission and Enrollment
We welcome your son or daughter into the Marian Catholic High School family. Many great changes have been happening at Marian Catholic over the past few years with the opening of our Stabler Science Center, the STEM initiative and our new Business Center.
Of our current graduating class, 95% have chosen to further their education at an institute of high learning or the armed forces.
In addition, they were offered over $9 million in scholarships. We know that an education at Marian Catholic will be beneficial in gaining these academic scholarships for college for your son or daughter. Of our present students, more than half receive help with tuition through scholarships and/or grants to attend Marian Catholic.
We offer a variety of courses designed to challenge students to develop spiritually, morally, academically and physically while integrating the teachings of Christ. The requirements for graduation are mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Diocese of Allentown, and Marian Catholic High School and we are accredited by the Middle State Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. We offer different levels of difficulty in our curriculum, including Dual Enrollment, AP, Honors, College Prep, and Standard courses. Placement in these course levels are determined by national testing results, placement tests, previous school records, and teacher recommendations.
To learn more about Marian Catholic, we invite you to visit our campus, take a tour, or have your student participate in our shadow program. To enroll your student at Marian Catholic, please complete both sides of our application and return it in with a non-refundable registration fee of $150. Checks may be made payable to Marian Catholic High School.
This is a time of great decision. We welcome any questions you may have that will help to make the decision process a little easier for you. Our mission is to prepare your son or daughter to develop a disciplined work ethic, in a safe environment for an ever changing world that he/she will be entering as a self-sufficient citizen who gives witness to their faith. Thank you for considering Marian Catholic and for the sacrifices you will make to give your child a Catholic education.