Marian Catholic Student Life
Marian Catholic High School offers the following clubs and activities to enrich student academic careers.
These clubs are offered during the school day. Students choose a “blue” activity and a "gold" activity.
Lists will be posted in homeroom with the activities a student has been assigned to as well as a the location for each activity.
Diversify…..don’t pick the same club twice (unless it is mandatory, such as PJAS). If you are already a member of Student Council or Peer Listeners, you MUST choose only that activity for Blue.
As is the same for National Honor Society, you MUST choose only that activity for Gold.
American Red Cross
Students will learn how to manage simple but critical emergencies they may encounter throughout life and will learn how to make a difference in their community by volunteering with the Red Cross. Examples include how to extinguish a small house fire, steps taken to reduce panic in emergency situations, collect materials for disaster areas. Students will need money to purchase materials.
Limited to 10 students | Mrs. Hydock
Basketball Skills, Drills and Shooting Activity
This activity is for those girls who have a background in basketball but want to improve their ability level . It will consist of teaching
skills in all areas of the game and then using those skills in competitive situations. Proper basketball attire is required.
Limited to 20 girls | Mr. Brutto
You will learn the fundamentals of chess, including some basic strategies and moves.
There will be a tournament in which all members of the club will participate.
Limited to 20 students | Mrs. Snyder
The club will try to enhance the students’ appreciation for the performing arts. Emphasis will be placed on helping with the school’s drama productions. Emphasis will be placed on helping with the school's drama productions and the Senior play.
Limited to 25 students | Ms. Martini
Gardening Club
This group will work on the horticulture of Marian’s campus.
You will need to bring your own gardening gloves for weeding and planting. Other tools will be provided.
Mrs. Costello
Health & Wellness
The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmary.” This club will use proven ways of self care to encourage students to become their
healthiest selves. Activities may include, but are not limited to yoga, aromatherapy & therapeuticcommunication.
Dr. Lechleitner
Jigsaw Puzzles
For those students looking for a visual challenge, this fun activity provides just that opportunity.
Puzzles of various sizes, shapes, and content will be used.
Mr. DeAngelo
Just Dance
For those students looking for a little exercise and fun!
This activity will follow the direction of YouTube videos leading you in the steps to popular songs.
Limited to 25 students | Mrs. Patton
This group is designed for students seeking basic learning skills of audio-visual aids which include the proper use of the video camera. The following areas will also be used: hookups, taping, recording, projecting, sound systems, and radio and television broadcasting. Limited to 15 Freshmen, Sophomore and Media boys only | Mr. Ceci
PAWS - People for Animal Welfare in Society
PAWS will work to promote and educate people on the importance of animal welfare.
Mr. Dougherty
Peer Listeners
This is a time for existing peer listeners to discuss and exchange ideas and review established policies.
Only for current trained peer listener students | Mrs. Matunis
Join us to create and develop an interest in this classic card game. The game has been, and continues to be,
popular from college dormitories to senior citizen centers to backyard picnics alike.
Veteran players and neophytes (learners) are welcome to join. The year will culminate in a partner’s tournament for all members.
Limited to 12 students | Mr. J. Brimmer
PJAS (PA Junior Academy of Science)
Students choose and research a science project which they will present at the PJAS conference in Easton.
Winners will have the opportunity to compete in the PA State Competition at PSU in May.
Mr. Valente
Shop Club
Come spark your creative interests along with your engineering and design skills. This club will include activities such as modeling, designing, creating, and building structures out of wooden materials or anything you can imagine!
Club will require a basic knowledge of tools and equipment but all are welcome!
Mr. Mrochko
Members will be challenged to complete sudoku puzzles. Puzzles will vary in difficulty. Requirements include a pencil and eraser.
Mrs. Nietz
Warriors on the Homefront
Reach out to our active duty military both stateside and abroad. Participate in collections, write letters,
send care packages to Marian Alumni and any other requests. Veterans will also be sent holiday cards and birthday cards.
Guest speakers will be invited to discuss their personal experiences.
Mrs. Dzuranin and Ms. Dunn
Your Best Image
Students will be instructed how to take care of their skin and apply basic makeup to help build self confidence to make
a good first impression. Other topics to be addressed are dressing for success to create a professional image, how communication
skills work for you - eye contact, telephone skills, listening skills, etc. with integrity and a positive attitude.
Limited to 15 students | Moderator Mrs. Heffelfinger and Instructor Mrs. Pam Reilly
American Red Cross
Students will learn how to manage simple but critical emergencies they may encounter throughout life and will learn how to make a difference in their community by volunteering with the Red Cross. Examples include how to extinguish a small house fire, steps taken to reduce panic in emergency situations, collect materials for disaster areas. Students will need money to purchase materials.
Limited to 10 students | Mrs. Hydock
Ballroom Dancing
Members will learn the fundamentals of basic ballroom dances such as the Waltz, Tango, Cha Cha, and Foxtrot.
Enthusiasm is necessary, comfortable clothing and shoes are “a must.” Come prepared to enjoy and have a good time.
Limited to 24 students | Moderator Mrs. Heffelfinger and Instructor Mrs. Ligenza
Basketball Skills, Drills and Shooting Activity
This activity is for those girls who have a background in basketball but want to improve their ability level. It will consist of teaching
skills in all areas of the game and then using those skills in competitive situations. Proper basketball attire is required.
Limited to 20 girls | Mr. Brutto
Board Games
Come join the fun. Relax and challenge your mind as you sit and play an old favorite game with a friend.
Life, Connect 4, and Mouse Trap are some of the favorites!
Limited to 24 students | Mr. J. Brimmer
You will learn the fundamentals of chess, including some basic strategies and moves.
There will be a tournament in which all members of the club will participate.
Limited to 20 students | Mrs. Snyder
CRS Global HS Initiative
Throughout the year, this club will be working on a number of projects that will support Marian Catholic's work as a
Catholic Relief Services Global High School. Our projects will center around the issue of Hunger.
Limited to 20 students | Mrs. Matunis
The club will try to enhance the students’ appreciation for the performing arts. Emphasis will be placed on helping with the school’s drama productions. Emphasis will be placed on helping with the school's drama productions and the Senior play.
Limited to 25 students | Ms. Martini
Health & Wellness
The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental & social well- being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmary.” This club will use proven ways of self care to encourage students to become their healthiest selves.
Activities may include, but are not limited to yoga, aromatherapy & therapeutic communication.
Dr. Lechleitner
History Club
A club for history enthusiasts to discuss history and play historical games.
Mrs. Costello and Mr. Mrochko
Investment Club
Join us to learn about the inner workings of the Stock Market. Sessions will be held to learn basic terminology
and how the market functions. Students will play the Stock Market Game as desired.
Mrs. Patton
Martial Arts
Martial Arts and Self-Defense Club will allow students the opportunity to acquire skills and techniques to defend themselves
should the occasion arise. It will also emphasize discipline and the preservation of the rich tradition of the martial way.
Come learn the hand-to-hand combat secrets used by our nation’s elite special forces.
Limited to 25 students | Mr. Smith
This group is designed for students seeking basic learning skills of audio-visual aids which include the proper use of the video camera. The following areas will also be used: hookups, taping, recording, projecting, sound systems, and radio and television broadcasting. Limited to 15 Freshmen, Sophomore and Media boys only | Mr. Ceci
Movie Club
Movies shown will be based on real life stories that have taken place.
Examples are "Lean on Me,” "Erin Brockovich," and "We are Marshall."
Limited to 28 students | Ms. Bechtel
PAWS – People for Animal Welfare in Society
PAWS will work to promote and educate people on the importance of animal welfare.
Mr. Dougherty
PJAS (PA Junior Academy of Science)
Students choose and research a science project which they will present at the PJAS conference in Easton.
Winners will have the opportunity to compete in the PA State Competition at PSU in May.
Mr. Valente
If you enjoy walking as a pastime, this is for you! Club is limited to walking on the track or campus of the school grounds.
Limited to 20 students | Mr. DeAngelo