MC12 Program
What is the MC12 Program?
MC12 is the new recurring gift program for Marian Catholic High School. A recurring gift is an ongoing, specific gift amount determined by a donor that is either deducted monthly from a donor’s checking account or charged monthly to a donor’s credit card.
How do I sign up?
You choose a contribution amount — as little as $5 each month — and it will be deducted from your checking account or charged
to your credit card accordingly. You can sign up by completed the MC12 form and returning to the school or by visiting our
Marian Fund portal and choosing recurring gift when you donate online.
Program Benefits
Cost efficiency. Spreading your support throughout the year is a convenient way to include your donations in your personal budget. Monthly giving is the most cost efficient way to deliver your support.
Convenience. When you participate in Marian Catholic’s MC12 Recurring Gift Program, your gift will appear each month on your bank statement or credit card. We will send you a calendar year-end tax receipt each January to help in your tax preparations.
Flexibility: If for any reason you wish to increase, decrease, discontinue your gifts or change the credit card being charged, call
570-467-3335 ext. 115 or email advancement@mariancatholichs.org.
Your Impact Magnified
$5 per month = $60 annually
$10 per month = $120 annually
$25 per month = $300 annually
$41.66 per month = $500 annually
$83.33 per month = $1,000 annually
$208.33 per month = $2,500 annually
Thank You to our MC12 Participants
Mr. Patrick Boyle ’03
Mr. Bernard Bruni P’05
Mrs. Felicia (Dicasimirro) Bruni ’74, P’05
Dr. Joanne Calabrese P’27
Deacon Joseph Cannon ’75
Dr. Kara (Menconi) Coassolo ’91
Mr. Mark Coassolo ‘90
Dr. Joseph Colancecco ’66
Mrs. Janisann Dvorak P’25
Mr. Jerome Dvorak ’82, P’25
Mr. Charles Fornaro
Mr. Robert Gelatko P’27
Mr. James Goff P’20, ‘23
Mrs. Kathy (Reinhart) Goff ’87, P’20, ‘23
Mr. Gary Gray ’66
Mr. Robert Kovick ’72
Mr. Daniel Labert ’93
Mrs. Mary (Bookstein) Lerch ’66
Mr. Bernard McMullen ‘66
Mrs. Catherine McMullen
Mr. Carl Scheitrum ’73
Mr. Robert Schott ’69
Mr. Mark Sverchek ‘73
Mrs. Anne Sverchek