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John P. "Jack" Malarkey - The Celebration of a Living Legend

Thank you to all our donors, supporters,

volunteers and participants of the “Celebration of a

Living Legend” Honoring Jack Malarkey event!


Our lives are richer because of him. Jack Malarkey, a man of extreme personal humility, has had an impact on thousands of us by his example of unmatched respect and love. People describe Jack in many ways; he would like to be known simply as “friend.”

And so, we are proud and thankful be able to honor this man who knows nothing better than the true meaning of friendship. His devotion to God, country, family and Marian Catholic High School sets him apart. We are thankful to God for sharing Jack Malarkey with all of us. His unselfish example as a mentor, athlete, teacher, coach, vice principal, principal, booster, parent and grandparent, continues to show us the way. Jack Malarkey’s loyalty to the Marian family and to our motto, “Ad Jesum per Marian” has left an indelible mark on Catholic education.


Bishop’s Circle (Gifts of $10,000 and above)

Blue and Gold Club

Founders Circle (Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999)

Founders Circle ($7,500)

Ric and Kathy Reaman

Joseph Velitsky, Esq. 62

Head of School Sponsor (Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499)


Bill '76 and Janet Bonenberger

Larry Furey '79 and the Furey Family

Mauch Chunk Trust Co., Patrick Reilly, President

Partners in Mission

Joseph Puskar '65

Karina (Menconi) Reed '00

Principal's Sponsor (Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999)

Arieta Family Trust

Dave Bielen '69 and MaryAnn (Geusic) Bielen '70

Bridgewater Advisors/Leo Marzen '79

Msgr. John Martin '64

Stephen '65 and Kathryn Jakubco '65 Opresko

Shannon Boyle Pietrick

Blue and Gold Sponsor (Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499)

Joe Arieta '64

Dennis Boyle '66/Class of 1966

Joan Demetriades ‘69

Higgins Family Charitable Fund/Joe Higgins '87

Drs. Stephen '76 Douglas and Dorothy Eleanor Klotz

Joe '88 and Angie Kovatch

Marzen's Feed and Hardware

Mary Meier Catholic Education Foundation

Patrick '84 and Catherine Moore

Patrick and Pamela Reilly P' 99, 02, 11

Terrance Rutch '86

Saints Peter and Paul Parish (Father Christopher M. Zelonis)

Jim '66 and Mary Sauka, P' 93, ‘94, ‘96, ‘00

Carl J. Scheitrum '73

Mr. Lee Schilling, Jr '57

Brian Seitz ‘96

Ashley Shickora ‘03

Shickora/Svetz Family

Valley Athletic Supply

Eugene and Frances Yacapsin P ‘84, ‘86, ‘87

Jack and Jane's Sponsor (Gifts of $500 to $999)

Rose M. Angelus '63

Rev. Msgr. Thomas Baddick '73

Steve '85 and Chrissy Bayer

Anthony Boyle '81

Jane Brennan, P '75

Bernard and Felicia Bruni

Gary and Deborah Coles

Hager Furniture Co. Inc./ Frank Hager '61

William Hinchey

Michael Janowiak ‘77

Padraig and Boina Kelly and Family/Kelly Iron Works

Kupres Family ’78, ’80, ’81, ’83, ’85, ‘87

Mahanoy City Foodstore

Paul Martino '64

Rev. Msgr. John B. McCann '77

Dr. Kristin Menconi ‘90

John Patton Family (John F. ’82, Trish, Jessica ’07, Janine ’09 and John M. ’19)

Michael J. Piosa, Esq. ‘62

Albert J. Pyzik

Rev. Msgr. James A. Treston, St. Catherine of Siena Parish

Joseph Ustynoski

Jackie Mitchell '80, Brian Gazo '90 and Jennifer A. Vermillion '91

Wink's Warriors Sponsor (Gifts of $250 to $499)

All Saints Parish, McAdoo

Kathy (Babinsky) Antol '83

Beth and Dave Argall

Frank ’92 and Marcia Arieta

Victor Baddick

Gregg Bielen ‘80

Mike Bimler ‘66

Patricia Bomba MD '68

Jessica (Kilker) Breslow '95

Lou and Margaret '66 Gallagher Coassolo

Lisa Corinchock

Stanley & Mary Bonner '73 Dakosty

Mary Jean Daukshus '62

Joe '75 and Jackie '79 DeAngelo

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and Elinor ('69) Dirnberger

Bill '63 and Maureen Yorke '64 Donovan

Donald Featherstone '82

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilfert

Kathy (Reinhart) '87 and Jim Goff

Ann (Witcofsky ‘80) Guth

Maryanne C. Hydro '65

The Keefer Family

Rev. Martin Kern '86

Rev. Henry W. Baker Council, Knights of Columbus

George Knox '69

Dr. William Krajcirik '73

Mary (Bookstein ‘66) Lerch

Joseph W. Linkevich

Sylvia Lis '57

Tom Macenka '70

Thomas Marzen '71

Sofia Totani Mathews '63

Emmett McCall ’79 and Ann Baddick

Patrick J. McCall ‘81

Michael McCall ‘83

Terry McCall ‘88

Larry '78, Pam and Levi McCullion

Gary and Graceanne '77 (Nihen) McNealis P'97 and '99

Lori McCullion

Cathy E. Megaree

Angela (Bielen) Meiss '91 and Julia Meiss '24

Jasmine Mooney '18, Perry (Mooney) Goldberg '83 and Margaret Mooney

Robert and Maryalice Moroz

Joe and Michele (Slog '74) O'Donnell

Eric and Michele (Anderson '77) Rohrbach

Serafin '62 and Patricia '62 Sandella

Sebelin-Roberti Family '87, '18, '21

Jim Shober '66

Thomas Solski '71

Robert '70 and Noel Kane '70 Stanek

Joe and Rose Svetik ’67 and ‘69

Dr. Gene and Gloria Upanavage

Marria L. (O'Malley ‘64) Walsh

Deacon James and Theresa Warnagaris

Judith Yanes

Sacks’ Specials Sponsor (Gifts of $100 to $249)

Robert and Evelyn Adams

Dean Anderson

Lorraine (Dougherty) Anderson '69

Senator Dave and Beth Argall

Nancy L. Bachman

Noranne M. Baddick '77

Janice E. Mezyk Bayerle '68

Gene Binder

Catherine Lewis and Angela Bonazinga

Kathy Bonner '72

Gayle Slog Bourassa ‘74

William Boyle

Ronald Blickly ‘71

Leonard Brylewski

Robert Bydlon '74

Rose M. Cannon '57

Edward and Susanne ’86 Casey

Joe and Elizabeth Chelak

Paul ’67 and Peg Coombe

Rita DeFebo

Joan DeLay '69

Charles and Regina (Radocha) DePuy '70

Joseph A. Derlunas ‘55

George Diabes ‘72

Maryanne and Tim Dolena '71

James A. Dougherty Co., Inc.

Cathleen Eshleman

Dan and Marcia Evans

Valerie Evans

Fenstremaker Family

Anthony and Joan Ficarino

Jim and Pat Firkal

Catherine Davis Flail ‘63

Joe Forish

Joe ’91 and Melissa Logan ‘91 Gillespie

Thomas Gildea '76

Jennifer Gilroy

Anna Marie (Yanochko) Grouber '72

Jenn Hager ‘91

Maureen Kennedy '70 & Richard Hager '70

Rev. Msgr. William E. Handges

Robert Hanlon

Joseph Hanosek '84

Maureen Heffelfinger P '84, '86, '87

Bernard J. Heller ‘64

Kevin Herman '66

Kevin J. Herman '66

Rev. John G. Hilferty '70

Tim Holden

Jo Ellen Holubek

Thomas Huber '75

Jim and Meg Johnson

Donna Kamenas

Michelle Sullivan Kelly ‘79

John Kennedy

Phyllis (DeSantis) Kennedy '69

William '67 & Hilary Portz '71 Kennedy

James A. Klotz '81

Thomas & Maria (Camelliri '76) Krall

Daniel Labert ‘93

Michael Latoff, P '17 and '20

John B. Liebermann III

Stanley Ligenza

William J. Linkhurst

Elizabeth A. Maguschak

Mansell Family

John F. Martino

Miss Judith A. Martini, MCHS Teacher

Stephen and Elizabeth Martin

Patricia A. O’Donnell Martino ‘72

Suzanne Fedorcha Martin '65

Ron and Vernie Martonick

Leonard F. Marzen '66

Mary M. McCartney '59

Catherine (Slog) McDonald '70

James F. and Margaret A. Solick Menconi '63 and '63

Eileen M. Metro

Michael G. Metro '62 and Evelyn Metro

JoAnne Ondo Mitzen ‘72

Joseph Mitzen '97

Eugene J. Mulligan, P ’84, ’85, ’86, ’88, ‘90

Sr. Rose Mulligan, IHM '84

Dan and Barbara Mundy

Michael J. O’Malley III ‘71

Leo '71 and Jane O'Donnell

Office of Education, Diocese of Allentown

Billy O'Gurek ‘01

Dave O'Gurek '76

William '73 and Siobhan O'Gurek

Msgr. Thomas Orsulak '80

Stephen Orsulak '66

Lawrence Patton Jr. '79

Joe and Marge Pelcheck

Joseph Porembo '68

John Quashnoc '66

Charles and Jane Reaman

Dan Rickert '68

Mary Jean (Yorke) Rinkenberg '58

Rev. Philip Rodgers '71

Dr. Stephen Roman

Eric P. Roos '79

Suzanne (Babyar '75) Rothbart

Bob and Jean (Kuhn) Rowan '84

Dr. Joseph P. Sabol ‘66

Bernadette Sahm ‘77

Joanne (Ragazinsky) Sanko '69

Bob Schlosser '71

Shawn M. Sekala ‘83

Kathryn Serena

Mary Beth (Walewski) Shade '73

Bob Sharpe

Stephen '69 and Teresa '69 Sheer

George Snerr

Linda Snyder '81

Steve ’89 and Karen Sofranko

Ms. Lori (Msrko) Stoney

Marianne Surovcik

Jennie Susko

Mark '73 and Anne Sverchek

William C. Swank '66

Kevin '77 and Nancy Trice

Charles Vaccaro '66

Gabriel N. Waak '61

Jim Watko

Rick Weidick

Rev. Msgr. Joseph T. Whalen

Daniel Wynn '69

Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky '69

Frank Yusella '71

Jon and Sylvia Zizelmann

Whalen's Winners Sponsor (Gifts of $50 to $99)

Mark Acken

Maureen Miller Adamcik

Ms. Mary A. Adams

Selma Block

Bernard and Felicia Bruni

Janet M. (Hinkle) Burrell

Ms. Mary Ann Byatt '81

Robert Byatt '78

Louis Capitanio ‘74

Mary Cerino

George Chiodo '69

Judy Coleman '63

Bob '72 and Kathy Mangan '74 Crampsie

Vince and Arlene Dauchess

Francis M. DeFebo ‘80

Diocese of Allentown

John Dougherty '72

Rev. Giuseppe C. Esposito ‘00

Gloria Featherstone

Margaret M. Felsoci

Mark Field '75

Marianne (Bonner) Garfield '66

Edmund T. Gernavage '73

Mary(Lieberman) Goodwillie

Mark P. Grega

Margaret Mary Hartnett '69

Mary and Joe Hnat

Christine and Stanley I. Hugel, Jr.

Rita (Boyle) Huggler '65

Greg Izzo '89

Michael '56 and Judith Jeronis

Sr. Marie Hubert Kealy, IHM

Barbara A. Klena (Klonitsko) '67

Stephen Klonitsko '64

Robert Legath

Madeline T. Ligenza

John and Delray McArdle '78

John and Darlene McGroarty

Kay McGrath

Mary Lou (Casserly) and Michaels '69

Jackie Mitchell '80

John O'Gurek '62

Jeffrey '77 and Beverly '76 O'Lear

James F. Owens ‘63

Lawrence and Rose Marie Patton

Nancy (Sharaka) Petritsch '71

Mark Pollick '76

Nicholas J. Raslavage ‘84

Esther Babyar-Redding '75

Ron '78 and Clare (Martin '78) Reynolds

Kathy Roman '79

Catherine A. Santai

Christine and Michael Soley '72

Margaret Yanes Sparks '58

Tom'69 and Margie Pollock '70 Spokas

Rita (Bresky) Stevens '65

Mary Rose Tonkin

Mr. and Mrs, Francis Trackia

Patricia Tracy

Joan M. and Francis Trackim

Margie Terry Vavra '67

Jean and John Vecolitis

Joanne C. Walker '64

Anne (Matalavage) Wargo '92

Jonathan Warke

Paulette Weber

James D. Whalen

Donna M. (Stone) White '77

Friends of Marian (Gifts under $50)


Victor W. Baddick Jr.

Barbara Bonner

Nellie Brennan

Anthony A. Canzoneri '67

Robert Clemson

Judy Coleman

Donna Danchak ‘74

Sister Marita de Lourdes IHM

Mary Francis (Dougherty) Devine

Rosemarie Nesgoda Dowling ’65, in memory of Roberta Nesgoda

Gary Gray ‘66

Christopher J. Harvan '71

Diane Hill

John J. Huber

Rose M. Kern

Theresa Kociolek '79

Robert A. Kovick '72

Mary Ann LaRock

Mary Anne Magda

Mr. and Mrs. Barry McLaughlin

Peggy Sue O’Donnell ‘77

Leocadia Paluck

Joanne (Mormak) Perch '64

Koppy's Propane

Janet (Coury) Smith '69

Helen Spinelli

Ann Vandenbord

Edith M. Verano



Full Page Cover Congratulatory Ad ($1,000)

St. John XXIII Parish (Fr. John Frink, Pastor)

Full Page Congratulatory Ad ($500)

Eugene and Frances Yacapsin P ‘84, ‘86, ‘87

John Quashnoc '66

Professional School Photography

Ed Burda '80

Malarkey Family

David Shober '81

Patrick Moore '84

The Churches of Immaculate Conception and Saint Joseph, Jim Thorpe

Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Villa Maria House of Studies

Ligenza Family

St. Joseph's Panther Valley

Marian Catholic High School Faculty and Staff

McCall Family (Keith '77, Betty, Courtney '16 and Keith McCall II '19)

Valenti Family

Half Page Congratulatory Ad ($250)

Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Orsulak '80

Margaret Knox-Lee

Tony Rose

Dowling Family


Kathleen (Genits) McArdle '60

Class of 1970-(Nancy Kyle)

Barbara (Shimkus) Mailey '82

St. John Neumann Regional School

State Representative Jerry Knowles '66

Hayden Power Group

St. Jerome's School

Kelly Family

Dr. William Krajcirik '73

Mark Purcell and Family '73

Rev. Eugene Ritz '00

Gretchen Coles Sterns '96

Jerry ’66 and Lorraine Knowles

Bowe & Odorizzi Law Offices

Class of 1965 (The Meatheads)

Kelly Rocuski ’77 Cappos

Quarter Page Congratulatory Ad ($125)

George Snerr

Joseph Bechtel

St. Peter the Fisherman Parish (Msgr. John Chizmar)

M. Yvonne Bower

Rev. Msgr. Vincent P. York '60

Rev. Msgr. Edward S. Zemanik '73

Rev. William T. Campion

Barbara (Coleman) Karnish '56

St. Richard's R.C. Church

Nietz Family

DeFebo Family

Ogrodnick Family

Valenti Family

Senator Dave and Beth Argall

Former Principal Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Sacks and former Vice Principal Rev. Joseph T. Whalen are serving as Honorary Reception Chairs for the event, both having served when Jack Malarkey was Vice Principal and Principal, respectively.

Members of the Honorary Reception Committee include all of the living priests in the Diocese of Allentown who are Marian graduates: Rev. Msgr. Thomas Baddick ’73, Rev. Giuseppe Esposito ’00, Rev. John Hilferty ’70, Rev. Martin Kern ’86, Rev. David Kozak ’74, Rev. Msgr. John J. Martin ’64, Rev. Msgr. John McCann ’77, Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Orsulak ’80, Rev. Msgr. Stephen Radocha ’69, Rev. Eugene Ritz ’00, Rev. Philip Rodgers ’73, Rev. Msgr. Walter Scheaffer ’56, Rev. Michael Stone ’64, Rev. James Ward ’64, Rev. Msgr. Daniel Yenushosky ’69, Rev. Msgr. Vincent York ’60 and Rev. Msgr. Edward Zemanik ‘73

Members of the Reception Leadership Committee include Bill ’76 and Janet Bonenberger, Bill “Angel” ’63 and Maureen Yorke ’64 Donovan, Larry Furey ’79, Leo Marzen ’79, Sister Rose Mulligan, IHM ’84, Bill O’Gurek ’73, Parent ’01, ‘03 (and president of the Marian Alumni Association), Patrick Reilly, Parent ’98, ’02, ’11, Jim Sauka ’66, Parent ’93, ’94, ’96 and ’00; Lee Schilling ’57, Bruce ’76 and Terri Svetz ’77 Shickora, Parents ’03, ’04, ’08, Bruce Svetz ’83 and Attorney Joe Velitsky ’62.



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