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Marian Partners with Catholic Investment Services of Boston to Manage School’s Endowment Fund

Marian Catholic High School has entered into a long-term relationship with Catholic Investment Services to provide investment management for the school’s growing Endowment Funds.


“Marian’s new partnership with Catholic Investment Services is a critical next step in ensuring Marian’s long-term financial sustainability for future generations,” Bill Stulginsky ’69, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the school’s Board of Directors. 


“Marian’s endowment funds critical aspects of our operations including student scholarships, faculty development, capital improvements, and more. Growing our endowment as a larger portion of our annual revenues is a key strategic priority in the coming years and we look forward to working with Catholic Investment Services on that front,” Stulginsky added.


During his many years as Chief Investment Officer for the University of Notre Dame, Scott Malpass grew accustomed to calls from leaders of Catholic institutions who were hoping for investment advice. These leaders knew of Notre Dame’s highly successful investment approach, and sought Scott’s insights into how to pursue strong investment returns while staying true to their religious principles.


Scott couldn’t share the details of Notre Dame’s strategy, but he understood the complex challenges these Catholic leaders faced and was determined to do something about it. He discussed this unfilled strategic need with a kindred spirit: Jack Brennan, chairman of Notre Dame’s board of trustees and former chairman and CEO of The Vanguard Group.


By 2013, these highly regarded investment executives created the nonprofit Catholic Investment Services (CIS) organization, and arranged appropriate seed funding. By 2014, CIS officially launched its first investment offering. Since then, Catholic institutions nation-wide who work with CIS have enjoyed access to well regarded investment managers, as well as the satisfaction of advancing Catholic values.


Catholic Investment Services is distinct in the investment world for several reasons: their commitment to advancing both Catholic principles and solid investment performance; their passion for helping Catholic institutions sustain their vital work; and their diligence in providing sophisticated investment solutions and exceptional client service.


But, what truly makes Catholic Investment Services different is the firm’s alignment with their investors. They share their Catholic faith and understand their challenges. Like them, they are a non-profit, and thus driven solely by their success. They also share their devotion to effecting positive change in our world, community by community.  From the CIS board of trustees, to the firm’s leaders and team, to their fund investment partners, they are unified in their mission: to build long-term prosperity for Catholic institutions so they can endure and serve well into the future.


“At the core, we are champions for our investors. We listen, give them our best guidance, and provide resources that help them become more effective stewards for their organizations, said Tom Lanctot, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Investment Services.


“By partnering with Catholic Investment Services, Marian will tap into a wealth of resources, expertise, and shared values that we believe enhances and sustains our Catholic mission,” Marian’s Head of School Michael Brennan ‘06 said.


Endowed scholarships at Marian Catholic High School are designed to give annual awards to students indefinitely. The term endowed means that the gift from the donor is invested. A portion of the interest earned then provides yearly scholarships for students, while the original gift or principal is never used. Year after year, the remainder of the interest plus dividends and capital gains earned are reinvested so the principal grows. As the size of the principal grows, the interest earned also grows and provides larger amounts to award to students.


A minimum of $50,000 is needed as principal for at least one year before awards from an endowed scholarship can be given to students. Gifts of any size may be added to the fund in a span of five years to reach the $50,000 starting point. Estate gifts to an endowed scholarship do not have a time limit.


If you would like to learn more about creating an Endowed Scholarship at Marian, please contact Michael Brennan ’06, Head of School at (570) 467-3335 or email or Dr. Erin Marek, Director of Advancement at (570) 467-3335 or email at

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