Tuition: Affording Marian Catholic
Marian Catholic High School makes every effort to provide an affordable, quality, Christ-centered education to our students. The cost to educate each student exceeds the total tuition and fees that are assessed to each student’s account, which means that every student is granted a discounted tuition.
However, we at Marian Catholic know that our prospective families may need more support in order to afford the education they desire. It is important to keep in mind that Catholic education is a choice for our families. Both Marian Catholic and our families make significant financial sacrifices to support this choice. Since we believe in believe strongly in the financial contribution of the family, no students at Marian Catholic are fully funded through the tuition assistance program.
Currently, for this academic year, 62.3 percent of Marian Catholic students received need-based tuition assistance, with $475,877 of need-based aid distributed among those students. We are grateful for the EITC/OSTC tax credit program, financial aid donations, memorial gifts, and transfer grants to allow us to provide this type of need based assistance. All tuition assistance awards are kept confidential, with the exception of memorial scholarships.
Did you know...that members of our Class of 2023 — who are attending a four year college or university — are currently receiving an average $15,743 in scholarships per year. The investment in your son or daughter's tuition at Marian Catholic is rewarded in their post-secondary education — where graduates earn back more than double the cost of our tuition — in college scholarships!
Now that is a worthwhile investment!
2024-2025 TUITION
Pay tuition in full by July 20, 2024 (5% discount)
Semi-Annual: 1st Payment (half) due by July 20, 2024 and 2nd Payment (half) due by December 20, 2024 (2% discount)
Marian Catholic has eliminated the mandatory fundraising of generations past.
Any fundraising sent out will be for individual clubs/sports or the Blue and Gold Club, and are not a part of tuition.
The only additional fees a family will be required to pay are listed below.
Registration Fee: $150.00 non-refundable
Miscellaneous Fees
New Family Registration: Varies upon date of enrollment
Continuing Student Course Selection: $80
Parking: $10.00
Lunch: $3-$4 per day (does not include additional purchases. Free/reduced lunch applications available in the Main Office)
Transcript Request: Free to current students. $5.00 for graduated students.
AP/Dual Enrollment/Online Courses: Please inquire with Studies Office
Lost/Damaged Book/CD: Varies by Course
STS Fees (paid directly to Simple Tuition Solutions)
Monthly Payment Plan: $40.00 (One Time Fee)
Semi-Annual Plan: $10.00 (One Time Fee)
Financial Aid Application: $25.00
Returned Payment on Automatic Withdraws: $30.00
Credit Card Fees for STS: 2.79%
PAYMENT OPTIONS - Simple Tuition Solutions (STS)
Each family must set up a student account and choose a payment plan through the Simple Tuition Solutions (STS) website.
Payment plan options include the following: pay in full, semi-annual, or monthly (10 payments).
New Families can create a STS account and set up a payment plan no later than June 30, 2024.
Continuing Families should contact Ms. Fox for any payment plan changes by April 30, 2024.
Families must submit a paid registration fee and set up a STS payment plan for the student to receive his/her class schedule.
Payment methods available:
Automatic Withdrawals (ACH): family must set up banking information in STS.
Invoice: STS will email an invoice. Families can remit payment to Marian Catholic in the form of check, cash, or money order. Please make check payable to “Marian Catholic.”
Credit cards (Visa, MC, Discover and AmEx) are accepted through STS (with a service fee.)
The Finance Department wants to ensure each family has the opportunity to provide a quality, Catholic education for their child.
For questions or concerns, contact Carrie Fox, Tuition Manager at (570) 467-3335, ext. 118 or cfox@mariancatholichs.org.
Please see to Scholarships & Financial Aid for more information.
Marian Catholic High School recognizes that situations occur which may affect the financial situation of a family and eligibility for financial assistance. Please complete the Financial Aid Appeal Form and allow time for the Financial Aid Committee to review your financial situation or change of circumstance. Once the Financial Aid Committee has reviewed your appeal, you will be notified of the decision via email. You must complete all items on the appeal form, provide a signed letter detailing the circumstances of the appeal, provide an average monthly budget detailing all income and expenses (please use attached spreadsheet or similar format), and provide the last month of paystubs for both parents and/or guardians. Incomplete requests will not be reviewed until the Committee has received ALL required documentation. Please indicate which situation applies to you.
For questions or concerns, please contact Carrie Fox, Tuition and STS Manager, (570) 467-3335 or cfox@mariancatholichs.org.